Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bun Update and Negativity

Everyone has uttered the words, “I don’t want to jinx it.” at one point or another.

I have said or thought those words several times since I found out we are expecting BabyShines. Against all odds, I got pregnant and so far, so good. I had the IUD removed, no bleeding or crazy cramping…my hcG levels rose appropriately last week, they doubled in fact. I had an ultrasound done at 5 weeks which is really early but they had to check the placement of the IUD and make sure the pregnancy was not in the tube.

My doctor did not see anything in the gestational sac quite yet which he said was normal since the baby itself would only be the since of a poppy seed.


At 4 weeks, your baby, now known as a blastocyst, is practically microscopic -- a teeny ball of cells. She's busy settling into her new home (your uterus), prepping for all the crucial development she'll be doing over the next six weeks.

(courtesy of *the best pregnancy website EVER*

As of today, I am 6 weeks 3 days Smile


Obviously, she's growing like crazy!

She's also circulating blood with her increasingly more sophisticated circulatory system.

She's about to get cuter too, since she's starting to sprout a nose, eyes, ears, chin and cheeks.

And she might even be wiggling her (paddle-like) hands and feet.

again, courtesy of Smile

I have experienced every single “first trimester” symptom known…

nausea, vomiting, the nose of a hunting dog, dizziness, extremely tired, I pee about 45 times a day, sore boobies and the emotions of a hot mess pregnant woman.

But it is all worth it. To distract myself, I have been looking at baby gear ala Target, Babies R Us and Amazon. Some people say “isn’t it too early to get all excited?”

Well please allow me to put that on the


I don’t think I could ever possibly even consider asking someone that. It just implies that something horrible could go wrong…as if that thought never crossed her mind. It just brings it all back up and makes her worry even more. Not to sound selfish but when you come across a pregnant woman, make it your goal to make her life easier at that present time, make her feel important…make her feel like she is working on something incredible. Because she is.

Winking smile

Another thing that annoys me (please excuse my hormones but I don’t think I am being out of line here) is when someone tells me it is “too soon” for something…

On St. Patrick’s Day I was working and got a sudden craving for a Shamrock Shake *heaven*


(p.s. I just found the recipe online for those bad johnnies Winking smile)

anyways…so I was talking about it and one of my co-workers asked, “Isn’t it a little soon for all these cravings?” Ugh pretty sure pregnant = pregnant. And a ‘little bit’ pregnant means the same symptoms as ‘a lot a bit’ pregnant. Worst of all, it came out a woman’s mouth who has children of her own. Ugh people just don’t think!

Put that on the “THINGS TO NEVER SAY TO A PREGNANT WOMAN” list as well!

I just made me feel like I ‘wasn’t pregnant enough’ to having any cravings or symptoms or to even talk about it.

Crazy? Probably…but I do respect the fact that at least I am confirming what I will NEVER say to a pregnant woman I come across…I am learning about the person I don’t want to become I guess.

Be back for more soon!


Monday, March 12, 2012

Best Body Bootcamp: Week 2

Wow, has it really been a week already?

This Best Body Bootcamp is starting Week 2 this morning and I am psyched. Not only because the support also is amazing but because I have a whole new fitness outlook.

As I wrote before, I am newly expecting and will no longer be focusing on losing weight. Instead, I will focus on whole nutrition, healthy portions, lots of water and getting my body as healthy as possible for baby. Not only is that great for mom and baby, but it means mama will have an easier time getting into shape after delivery!

My BBC goals for the week are:

#1- Have at least one smoothie and one salad a day

#2- Reduce and eliminate diet soda from my diet

I could go ‘cold turkey’ but the caffeine headache alone will bug me enough to engage in my old habits.

Yesterday the weather was amazing so we went out for a walk to and through the local park. It was wonderful to get some cardio in and shake my legs out!!! I forgot how much I love the great outdoors (before the bugs come out!)

Then we loaded the kids up and went to the store for a few groceries. (pics and meals to follow, along with my first baby purchase!)

On today’s agenda:

*Call Dr!!



*Dream a little

Winking smile




How cute is that??!!

Be back later!!

<3 Morgan

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Excited and Scared

Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I have had a slew of emotions.

Fear that something will go wrong, especially so early on.

Excitement of a new little miracle will be joining our family.

Precautious not to let my heart develop a bond with the uncertainty.

Blessed because against the odds of getting pregnant using an IUD (.06% chance)…

We got pregnant.

Am I the silly, giddy one who was looking up baby gear from the first night I found out…


I found myself excited to look and then my head would catch up with me…

“Make sure everything is okay before you fall in the love with the idea of a new baby”

It is too late because I fell in love the very first night. I am worried, yes, how can I not be? When I first found out I was pregnant with my 6 year old twins <3 I was 20 years old, young and dumb…and basically unaware of what could go wrong. I wasn’t instantly attached to my pregnancy…it took awhile to kick in.

This time around is completely different. I am 27, mature, in a loving and wonderful relationship with the man who will one day be my hubby and I want nothing more than to have his baby, our baby <3

Planned or not, God makes the decisions…that is for sure Smile

I can’t waste time worrying about what I cannot control and until I go to the Dr.s, I won’t know anything for sure. For now, I hope and pray that everything goes great, the baby latched on to the right area, the IUD comes out without a problem and we have a healthy, new baby this November <3

Time to saving as much money as possible, pray as hard as possible and take care of myself the best I can <3

<3 Morgan



Saturday, March 10, 2012

Nerve-racking is…

Being worried that at this point in time…I might be pregnant.
True story.
My loving boyfriend is at the grocery store right now (9pm, he is wonderful) picking up a Clearblue.
I realized I was late while we were laying in bed. My lady-time has been all out of whack since having my kids and then getting my copper IUD in place last year. I checked my lady-calendar on my Kindle Fire (loveit) I figured if you by slight chance got pregnant with the IUD, you would automatically need an abortion since you have a piece of metal in what is supposed to be your embryo’s home. Well apparently if you Google “pregnant with paragard IUD” you find a bunch of other women who also got pregnant while using a very reliable birth control.
Better than anything (besides absintence, I know)
One million questions pop into my head as I sit here chugging water out of my Nalgene bottle…
Will the baby be okay if I actually am pregnant?
Could it be an ectopic pregnancy?
What will happen if they take the IUD out?
What will happen if they leave the IUD in?
My questions are not going to be answered today as of course it is the weekend and none of my doctors are open until Monday.

I have to leave it in God’s hands because I have faith that this will all be okay.
And because God always works in mysterious ways…
Yes x 2…
and praying for the best Smile
Shhhhhh….we are keeping this top-secret for now.
At least (if all works out okay) I can join the Elite group of pregnant blog-ettes
(as if I am even worthy of being in their same blogger status category)
Now that this is real, I hope and pray that it is true and healthy and there will be no complications…
“BabyShines” coming soon, November 12, 2012 <3

Thursday, March 8, 2012

BBF Personal Training Results: Week 1

Good Morning lovlies Smile

7 inches lost.

I have no idea where it went Winking smile 

I am so excited right now!!!

My weight didn’t go down (actually +3lbs) but I blame it on too much salt and processed foods…too much food basically.

There is nothing like great results to fire a girl up even more and kickstart Week 2 and it is great to read everyone’s nice, motivational comments and progress on the Best Body Bootcamp FB page.

Just a quick update because I was pumped Smile

I am off to clean mi casa before heading out for my FIRST WORKOUT OF WEEK 2!!!


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day of Rest–BBC Day 3

Ahhh….a day of rest. Kind of.

I have to work at 2pm but until then I’ll be catching up on the blog world and my fellow bootcampers Smile 

Today is technically Day 3 for the Best Body Bootcamp but Day 7 for my personal training plan.

My first week went really, really well. I didn’t miss a single workout or a minute of cardio as per my plan. My eating however, has been sub-par to say the least!

I went grocery shopping for a few necessities…


I may or may not have enjoyed one of these bad boys on the way home Winking smile


Totally AMAZINGLY mouth-watering!


Some Soft Wraps (so fluffy and soft!) Pita Pockets and Spinach Dip.

I bought this on a whim in hopes to make a delish pita with spinach, provolone cheese and this spinach dip…


Silly me didn’t read the ingredients before I got home.


Sorry for the blurry pic and lack of being able to actually read anything of the ingredients but I know just from looking at the length that it has WAY too much crap in it!

Ugh, you win some, you lose some.


Can you tell I am super pumped for my upcoming anniversary gift from the Officer?


Dear Future Keurig Machine,

I cannot wait to use you Winking smile 

<3 me

I have until the end of April to get my present since our anniversary isn’t until April 23rd (2 years baby!!!!) so I have some time to wait…until then, I will just dream of chocolate coffee!

We do have a Keurig at work (which is where I fell in love with coffee, 12 hour shifts are sometimes exhausting!) so I can use them until I get my own machine.

Well, I’m off to finish up some laundry and get ready for work!

Have a wonderful day Smile


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Today, I Planked

Good afternoon Smile 

I am so excited right now because I officially finished my first week of my training program provided by Tina from Best Body Fitness! Today was my cardio and core circuit day…the cardio was great, just a good treadmill walk for 30 minutes @ 3.2mph @ incline of 3-4 (spilt into 2, before and after core circuit). Simple yet effective and got me sweatin’! My core circuit went…well…so-so. Awesomely, I got my plank time up to 1 full minute!! The highest I have ever done a full, on elbows plank!!! I really pushed that full minute with the life of me which left little energy for the rest of the circuit. After fiddle-farting around (yes, it is a word! kind of) I decided to do:

Abdominal Machine @ 70lbs x 2 sets of 20

Torso Twist Machine @ 55lbs x 2 sets of 10 each side

Stability Ball Crunches with 6lb medicine ball @ my chest x 15

Then I got right back on that treadmill and completed my cardio…it was just one of those days I really, really wanted to shake my legs out and go through my magazine.

Tomorrow is my day of Rest...ahhhhh… I’m thinking some yoga has my name on it.

~Gym Stories~

I have actually been thinking off offering my cleaning/organizing services at my gym because it seems as though it is being neglected Sad smile 

No one vacuums behind the treadmills so there is a collection of dirt and rocks there and the machines haven’t been dusted in ages!! It could definitely use my touch!!

My gym is also a tanning salon, hair salon, day spa and nail salon too (!!) so I pondered maybe offering a little trade(ski-poo) and offer to clean the gym portion for free or even reduced services (besides tanning- totally AGAINST tanning…ladies, you look like crap when you over-tan!!! Plus I’m super scared for skin cancer which another famous blog-ette just had to deal with!!!)

*Please, please, please remember…Don’t be “that” girl on the Leg Press talking on your IPhone!!! OMG, dime-store hooker, PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY and GET OFF MY MACHINE!!! thanks, love morgan*



Now that I have an awesome training plan, I need to get control of what I put in my mouth (that’s what she said)

Clean eating to me is easy…it is avoiding the binge eating that is my vice.

I am not sure what will work best for me whether it be a set eating plan or writing down everything I eat… I know I am NOT a calorie tracker, I would rather die than try and track calories. I made a meal plan the other day for the entire week and I didn’t even follow a single day. I guess I am more of a “let’s keep a slew of healthy options and I’ll pick what I want, when I want it” kind of girl.

Wishing everybody luck with Day 2 of Best Body Bootcamp!!! The 24/7 support on the Facebook page is unbelievable!! It is truly awesome to see such an inspired group of women who want to change their lives for the better!! Kick some ass ladies!!

Be back with my running fears…and some pictures!!!




Monday, March 5, 2012

Back in Action: Bootcamp Style (Day 1)

Oh my my goodness…it has been too long since I wrote a blog post.

~College life

I am taking a break from my classes this semester and have actually pondered transferring to a larger university in the area that offers more courses…the two downsides are that it is 30 minutes away…and I don’t expect it to have that small college feel to it…like you know everyone…a little tight knit community.

…but who really knows what the future holds I guess.

~My Children

My children are growing like weeds and I love them more each day…I hope and pray everyday to be a better mom to them because they deserve nothing but the best life possible. I want to teach them to be kind, be nice to everyone and live and love like there is no tomorrow. If I want to teach them those lessons…then I definitely need to practice what I preach because there is no better teacher than a good example.

~My Love

My boyfriend never seems to let me forget how much he loves me…and he is truly amazing. He makes me feel beautiful and loved…even after gaining 60lbs since the day I met him, he has never once treated me any different or hinted at my weight gain. Isn’t it sad that someone would be surprised at someone not being mean to them. What world do we live in that people would do that to one another?

Everyday, I am more and more amazed at how wonderful my Officer is…I’m a lucky girl <3

~Health & Fitness

Something I am super pumped about is my decision to sign up for 24 weeks of online personal training with Tina from or

First of all…my first 4 week plan she sent over is AMAZING! I just finished Day 5 with some quality elliptical time and a strength training routine (Workout B) that rocked my face off! This girl has a true talent for fitness and I am totally sensing she will go FAR in her career as a personal trainer!!

Today was also Day 1 of her Best Body Bootcamp which I am participating in the prize option (!!!!) while doing my own personalized plan that Ms. Tina made for me :) She made a Best Body Bootcamp Facebook Page also that has already totally changed this program for me!! There are (so far) 196 members to support each other and spread positivity throughout this program and it is GREAT!!

With her Bootcamp, you make 2 mini-goals (each week or longer if you like) and check it off each day if you accomplish it…

Mine for this week are:

NO Binge Eating!!!

Drink my face off (H2O, no booze here, yo!)


My future goals for the next few weeks will be…

Eliminate diet soda

Have a smoothie & salad each day

10 minutes of yoga per day

Brown bag and cook all meals


Gotta go…I have dinner to make for my lovelies Smile
